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5 Ways To Get Back Into Your Dental Routine!

5 Ways To Get Back Into Your Dental Routine!

Back to school means getting back into your dental routine. You may have taken the summer to be indulgent in sweets, and skip a few days’ worth of flossing.

No need to worry, the team at Hog’s Back Dental Centre in Ottawa is here to help you get back on track. Along with your regular scheduled teeth cleaning appointments, here are our 5 tips from our dental hygienists about getting into a spectacular oral health routine.

Back to School, Back to Routine

  1. Pack Healthy Snacks – eating right is an important aspect of oral health that might be overlooked. Pack healthy snacks so that you are not tempted throughout the day to turn to sweets. Apples, pears, cheese and leafy greens are a good start to a healthy lifestyle!
  2. Brush twice per day, floss once – Associate brushing and flossing with getting up in the morning and going to bed. Make it part of your morning routine and your bedtime agenda so that you never miss a beat.
  3. Set your family goals and meet them – You may not be the only one who needs to get back on track. Make brushing fun for your children, so that they do not feel it is a chore. Choose a teeth brushing song and get them to brush for a whole 2 minutes!
  4. Use mouthwash and clean your tongue – Some areas missed in regular oral health routines are the tongue and between teeth. After brushing your teeth, make sure to brush your tongue. Mouthwash can help get rid of some bacteria left over from brushing.
  5. Visit the dentist

Don’t forget to visit the dentist every 6 months.

If it has been longer than 6 months since your last hygiene appointment and teeth cleaning, pick up the phone and call the team at Hog’s Back Dental Centre today! Request Appointment

Dental Implants, OttawaAre you missing a tooth?
Ask us about Dental Implants – an effective solution to fill the gaps in your smile. 

Invisalign OttawaClear braces solution for patients in Ottawa looking to straighten their teeth without metal braces.

The Hog's Back Dental team wants to make the Ottawa community smile. Ask how.

(613) 226-2022